Friday, December 14, 2012

Free Business Cards From

They're here!!!!

I was recently shopping around on google for new business cards and came across a free offer from I have in the past ordered free business cards from other companies but they weren't worth the time, effort of designing, or the shipping costs. They lacked luster, sported the company's logo heavily, felt super cheap, and at times I would find myself exchanging business with other makeup artists with the same design... No good!!! I need originality, shoot I am a creative artist. Exchanging a business card with someone who has the exact same design is not my style at all. But when the cards are free what can one expect?

I normally order my very pretty and stylish business cards from I love my cards from Zazzle, but I must admit replenishing them can be an expensive at the last minute. This is the main reason I was on the hunt for free business cards. So when I saw a new company (for me) I decided "How bad can these be?"

Right from the jump Moo allows you to customize your cards to the fullest. You're able to have multiple designs in your pack of cards, I chose 4 of my most liked photos online. That alone pulled me in fully. It tool me all of 10 minutes to design, approve, and pay the $5 shipping fee. My cards arrived packaged very nicely and BEAUTIFULLY printed. The cards are glossy and have a really nice quality card stock as well. I was given 50 cards total. The best part about these cards from is that they have a small and simple Moo logo at the bottom right of the cards. It's not a loud logo at all.

Thank you Moo for offering the kind of free business cards buyers are looking to experience. I'm planning on ordering more from Moo really soon.